One of my next collections will be Hathstract – A special collection of abstract art NFTs on Hathor Network.
– Overview –
This collection aims to be the first abstract NFT project on Hathor Network. Since march of 2021 and being involved with the Cathor Community Coin project and becoming a admin there, I have grown to love the Hathor community as a whole. It is my intention to support Hathor network as much as I can. Hathor is still relatively new and unknown, so I am hoping to bring some new faces to a great community.
Current NFT projects on Hathor network include Cathor cards, Anubis Avatars and other upcoming NFT projects like Hathor Gum and Hathor Bullz. Most of these being avatar related, and my love of abstract art, made me decide to begin a collection of abstract art on Hathor.
– Timeline –
At this time, minting on Hathor is not publicly available. However there are partnerships and workarounds. One of those workarounds has been secured and we are working on the details. The first 10 pieces are being worked on and planned now, so I should be able to mint very soon.
The plan is as follows.
10 initial pieces of this collection will be minted in the coming weeks. They will be sold through the telegram group below and announced via the announcement channel also on telegram.
Update: #1-10 were minted and sold October 2nd. Another important update, I have added a gallery page here to be used as a reference page for all of Hathstract, which can be found here.
October and Beyond
The following pieces after the initial 10 for this collection will not be minted until the wallet minting function is available, which should be coming soon as the wallet updates are released.
2022 and Beyond
Some pieces of the collection will be reserved for use of Hathor’s nano contracts and or an official Hathor NFT marketplace platform.
– Collection Size –
As of right now, the plan is to cap at 500 pieces. This number could change up or down depending on events or changes in my personal life.
– Collection Content –
This is Hathstract, a collection of abstract art by NetMetropolis. Each piece will be unique, some may be related but all will be different.
Pieces will range in style and or theme, however all will be digital abstract art.
Roughly 75% will be static images, Roughly 25% will be animated videos or gifs, only due to the render time and strain on equipment and or server space.
Drops will more than likely be groupings of the same style.
Buying will be over the counter through telegram, first come, first serve.
Should you have any questions about this project please reach out to me directly through the contact page or any of the options below.
I also want to thank Bone Hodler, a fellow Cathorian/Hathorian for giving me the name idea of Hathstract.
Please consider joining the Hathstract Discussion group and Hathstract Announcements Channel